

Links to art, bird, birding and other nature sites


Browse different Arkansas artists in the Arkansas Arts Council Registry. We are a state rich in creativity! Check out the other state and area sites for online art exhibits. Let your mind escape as you enjoy creative interpretations of life in U.S. galleries or at the Louvre.


If you see or hear a bird and can't identify it,search recordings in the archives at the Cornell site. Or check Arkansas birder sites for information that pertains to this state alone.

You'll really like the 6th listing as well, Gail Miller's outstanding bird photos, most taken from her feeding stations in Conway, an hour's drive south of here; most of these birds are found here as well.

We have a new nature center right here in Choctaw. The South Fork Nature Center site will show you what's happening and how you can participate.


All content on is Copyright Joyce Hartmann 2010
